Deacons and Deaconess

Mike Rast

Chairman of Deacons

Like my three brothers, I was fortunate to be born to Christian parents who had settled in Hapeville and at the First Baptist Church (FBC).  And like my three brothers, I was baptized at an early age and became involved in the many programs of FBC. Like many youths in those days, I grew restless and apart from the church during my late teen years. When I was 21 years of age, I had a unique opportunity to pursue a college degree where my brothers were attending: Sewanee, The University of the South.  It was a difficult journey for me, my grades suffered during my freshman year. Reaching a crossroads of succeeding or failing out of Sewanee, I put my fears aside and returned again to the Lord and Savior I had once trusted. In desperation I put my future from that day forward in God’s hands and slowly with his help I began to succeed with my studies culminating in graduating with honors in three- and one-half years.  I built upon this trust in the Lord and committed myself to become a devoted husband to my wife Jeanne, and father to my four children.  I continue to grow and learn in his wisdom.  I draw inspiration from this short passage which came to me at that time on the mountain campus of Sewanee. I will lift up mine eyes unto the hill from whence cometh my help.  My help comes from the Lord.  Psalm 121: 1-2 KJV

Brent Summers

Vice-Chairman of the Deacons

I was born in Napa California, our family attended church but as the family grew it became difficult for mom and dad to take us. Therefore, I did not attend Church regularly until much later in my life.  After I moved to Georgia and met my now wife, I started attended Fairview Baptist, under the guidance of Pastor Andy Andrews. It was under Pastor Andrews guidance that I accepted Christ in 1982. We moved our letter to Hapeville First Baptist in 1994 and when we did, we brought 3 generation of our family with us. Our new Sunday School Teacher (Dotsie Durden) was ultimately the reason for our change. This is where we felt our calling and have gotten very involved in the church. I was called by the missions committee to go on mission trips in which I have gone on 5 to date, I was also asked to accept the position of deacon. Both positions brought me humbly to the service of the lord. I also accepted a call to become a Sunday School teacher for an adult class.


Jermaine Barnes

Info coming soon

Jimmy Lovern

In 1965 while a member of Earl Standridge’s Sunday School class, Jimmy accepted Christ as his Savior and was Baptized by Pastor Bill Lacy.  In September of 1983, he was married here at Hapeville First Baptist to his wife, Diane.  In October of 2019, Jimmy accepted the position of Director of Music Ministries and Soloist for Hapeville First Baptist Church.


Brad Newman

My Journey to Christ started with my loving family.  We attended Sylvan Hills Baptist Church where I was baptized in 1967.  Throughout my youth I continued to grow in faith.  I married into a wonderful family in 1980 which brought me to Hapeville.  In 2001 I formally joined Hapeville First Baptist Church.  As a Deacon of this church I will continue to serve the Lord and care for the members of our church as well as the community.

Larry Waller

Info coming soon


Cecil Ward

Cecil Ward became a member of Hapeville First Baptist Church in October of 2017, after being involved in the HFBC community for many years. Cecil was ordained as a deacon in January of 2019. Cecil and his wife, Ashley, were married at the church in 2007. Ashley grew up in the church and has been a member since childhood. Together they both teach the Young Adult Sunday School class and are leaders with Vacation Bible School. They have one son, CR, and live in Hapeville.

Linda Williams

I was saved at the age of seven and Baptized in a pond.  My family was very strong in their love for the church and family.  I was brought up to attend church regularly.  I attended Sunbeams, GA’s, YWA’s, Youth Choir, and Church Choir.  Missions were also a big part of my growing up.  Doing and giving to others! I have been a member of this church for almost 50 years, and I was very humbled to be asked to serve as a Deaconess and will do my best to serve the Pastor and the needs of our Church.  Luke 22:42 Yet not my will but yours be done.

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